
Bauwelt Award 2025

Deutsche Version

For the twelfth time the Bauwelt Award “First Works” will be tendered this year – from 15th October on you can submit your first work. The Bauwelt Award (consisting of 5 awards of 5000 Euros each) applies to all categories of “First Work” – from transformation projects to prototypal constructions, from public housing projects to the sustainable development of public space and to temporary interventions. Qualified for submission is every first work the submitter has realized on his or her own responsibility and which has been completed after January 1st, 2020. The closing date of the digital submission has been extended and is now January 24th, 2025.

The Bauwelt Award will be awarded and exhibited at DAM Deutsches Architekturmuseum in Frankfurt.

Partner of the Bauwelt Award 2025 is the window and façade specialist Solarlux. We are furthermore greatfull for the support of Freundeskreis des Deutschen Architekturmuseums.


Eligible to participate are architects, interior designers, urban planners and landscape architects from all over the world, individuals as well as working teams.

Documents and Submission STARTING FROM 15th OCTOBER 2024 !!!

The digital upload to submit your work for the Bauwelt Award is open until January 24th, 2025 (extended deadline!) at The submitted work is to be presented on four sheets in A3 landscape format. Participants may freely design the sheets, but should note the following the guideline for the submission:

1. On the first sheet, the project should be presented with a single photo only.

2. Please put down all relevant information about the project in writing on the second sheet. In addition to the author‘s details and key data on the project, the project should be briefly explained here. The explanatory report should not count more than 400 words. Competition languages are German and English. You can supplement the text with pictures and drawings.

On the 3. and 4. page you should present your work in drawing and photos comprehensively and clearly in its entirety and in detail. Expected are the important floor plans and sections as well as photos of the project.

The documents will not be returned. Legal recourse is excluded.


Jórunn Ragnarsdottír architect, Stuttgart
Ulrike Dix AFF Architekten, Berlin
Lera Samovich fala atelier, Porto
Andrijana Ivanda & Paul Reinhardt c/o now, Berlin
Peter Cachola Schmal DAM Deutsches Architekturmuseum, Frankfurt a. M.
Robin Winogrond landscape architect, Zürich
Jan Friedrich Bauwelt, Berlin


The award money consists of 25,000 Euros. For each of the five prizes, 5000 € will be awarded to the winner. The jury is entitled to split the sum differently.


All award-winning projects as well as a selection of further entries will be published in Bauwelt and shown at DAM Deutsches Architekturmuseum in Frankfurt in spring 2025. All participants in the competition declare their acceptance of the Conditions of participation by their participation in the competition. The participants in the competition assure that they are the creators and authors of their competition entries. Furthermore, they declare their consent to the cost-free publication of their submission. The participants are solely responsible for obtaining allowances for the right of use of third parties (especially with regard to photographs). The exact locations and dates will be published in good time prior to the respective exhibitions in Bauwelt.


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